Mady colantes

Professional Editor & Essay Coach

Let me edit your college essays!

Get your essay edited, get yourself admitted

I’m here to help you create a college application essay that is compelling, well-written, and true to you. From proofreading and line edits to big-picture developmental feedback, I’ll work with you to turn your rough drafts into fine crafts.


Starting from scratch? I offer coaching through the entire writing process, all the way from ideation and development to final revisions and proofreading.Already have a draft? I'll help refine it, giving specific feedback on content, organization, flow, and more, along with action items for how to improve.Somewhere in between? Just reach out! We'll figure out how I can help.Email me for rates.


I'm an editor by nature and by profession.

As a professional editor at a digital agency with a linguistics degree from Pomona College, I live and breathe words. I’m passionate about the power of language and how it can be carefully molded to create, inspire, tell stories — and get students into their dream schools. My past clients have been admitted to undergrad and master’s programs at colleges across the country, including Brown, Cornell, University of Washington, and Imperial College London.

Check out some samples of my editing work:


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